With so many options out there, it can be confusing and time-consuming to research the various EHR solutions. To help you make the right decision for your organization, download this helpful checklist.

EHR software essentially digitizes your mountains of paperwork, charts, and files, bringing everything into one central hub. Well-designed EHR’s also streamline practice management, automate billing, provide services like telehealth and patient portals and capture powerful data that can inform treatment and agency decisions.

Our industry experts are available to provide insight to help you make your decision. We’d love to learn more about your needs and help you modernize your agency’s case management!

Download Our FREE Checklist on How to Choose the Right EHR!

Hear What Customers are Saying About Exym's EHR Software

“If you are contracted through the Department of Mental Health, Exym is hands-down the best EHR to go with. They stay on top of the DMH and state regulations and are sure to be in compliance every step of the way. Exym also walks you through the implementation process and remains supportive not only through the implementation process but for your whole journey ahead. Exym is committed to developing a system and company culture that optimizes efficiency and ultimately client care. Exym really cares.“   
-Kristine Santoro, Vice President, Quality and Innovation at Didi Hirsch


It's Important to Compare!

There are a wide variety of features that make Exym the EHR of choice for many behavioral health and mental health agencies.

Easy to Use

Fewer clicks mean easy workflows and quick training.

Customizable Forms and Workflows

Custom set up to meet your unique program needs.

Best-in-Class EDI

Superior billing and claims processing.

Foster Care & Residential Modules

Foster care and residential features at no extra cost.

Outcome Measurement

Built-in library of outcome measures.

Custom Reports

Custom reports for any data that you capture.

Comprehensive Functionality

Simple workflows within a robust feature set.


10 year track record of 99.99% uptime.

Integrated Business Intelligence Tool

BI integration so you can build custom dashboards on your own. 

Billing Interface

Easily track claims status and process resubmissions. 

Robust Reports Library

Suite of reports to meet all your agency’s needs with real-time data.

Eligibility Checks

Run eligibility checks on your clients in real time.