Substance Use Disorder EHR Software for California Providers

Exym is built for California SUD providers, with deep expertise in Medi-Cal and county billing practices. Our industry-leading Electronic Health Record (EHR) features an integrated claims processes to maximize your revenue and reduce administrative burden, allowing you to focus on delivering high-quality care.

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Maximize revenue with Exym EHR software | product screenshots

Maximize Revenue With Accurate Billing Claims & Reliable Payments

  • User-Friendly & Intuitive 
    Spend more time with clients and empower your staff to accomplish tasks with as few clicks as possible.
  • Streamline Operations
    Get back more time in the day, cut costs, and increase the accuracy and efficiency of your billing processes.
  • Drive Better Outcomes
    Uncover new insights about your organization with custom reports to make informed, data-driven decisions.
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All-In-One, Cloud-Based EHR Solution


Easily manage your client data, progress notes, clinician activities, billing, and beyond with Exym, your user-friendly EHR solution.

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Deliver Better Care with Exym's Easy-to-Use

Substance Abuse EHR Software

Create more effective treatment plans and simplify client care, while easily monitoring progress and improving outcomes.


Custom Workflows & Forms

Automatically generate forms and paperwork for your clients based on their treatment process status.


Appointments & Scheduling

Make appointments, check-in patients, view availability, schedule, and more from one place.


Clinical Note Management

Create personalized clinical notes from templates and automatically link notes to activities.


Integrated Billing Claims

Easily bill for services and quickly send electronic claims to Medi-Cal, Medicare, and private payers.


Comprehensive Analytics

Review your patient data in real time using pre-built reports or your own custom dashboards.


HIPAA Compliance

Client data is safe with EHR & telehealth technology that aligns with HIPAA regulations.